
Today's Venti Caramel Macchiato (No Foam Edition)

I know it's been a while, but are you sure you're not . . . projecting?

In case you're wondering, I'm currently listening to: Robin Hood OST, by Marc Streitenfeld. It's a great soundtrack. Shout-out to Sam for alerting me to its awesomeness.

So, amidst the five-billion or so (rough estimate) republican primary debates, coupled with my hatred and bitterness toward the political system as a whole, my apathy in regards either party, and my relative insanity in regards anything remotely resembling a politically acceptable viewpoint, I have started a blog to talk about politics, economics, and other related issues, so that you can all be spared my amateur op-ed-itizing. You can find it here. I promise it'll at least be entertaining, and possibly borderline offensive to some of you. I cannot, however, promise cookies. You can all thank me later.

As always, I seem to be between shows to watch via netflix, hulu, or whatever. I think the problem might be the fact that I like to have shows I haven't seen before on in the background while I do other things.... needless to say, I go through shows like a 
squirrel on crack (quite an image, eh?). But I do have a new recommendation for ya'll. It's called Spy, and it's a new, quirky british show that hulu presents every friday. There are parts of it that I don't care for (Marcus can be really irritating), but overall, the show is fun and entertaining. Also, if you haven't jumped onto the IT Crowd train yet, get a move on! It's on Netflix streaming. . . so you really have no excuse.

Thanksgiving is coming up very quickly, and for those of us who love the holiday season, it is a time of excitement and anticipation and too many decorations. Of course, this means that for me, I plan to sit alone and catch up on some light reading. Honestly, though. I am looking forward to this Thanksgiving. It's going to be a very fun time. It's the fifth annual Tangentine Cup, in which my friends all come over and compete for the right to claim rugby supremacy and a trophy for the next year before feasting on a large breakfast of delicious food prepared by my parents. Great times. And this year, Becca is coming to enjoy the show. I'm super Pumped! In addition to this, there is the always wonderful Thanksgiving dinner, and the important Packers-Lions game. It's going to be more fun than a room full of chimpanzees debating the merits of rhetoric with Winston Churchill, which, actually, is something I would watch.

I recently did something I have never done before: I bought a video game the day it came out. Now, I'm normally a huge stickler for waiting for the prices to come down so that I don't have to feel slighted when I realize the game really doesn't seem worth the 59.99 I payed for it. I made an exception, however, for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. My reasoning was thusly: I really enjoyed the previous Modern Warfare installments, and knew that by the time it fell to within what I considered the "buyable range" I would be at the tail end of the game's life cycle, and with a primarily online game, this is only about a year to year and a half. Add to this, I know that my time to play video games will significantly decrease when I have actual things to do in the evenings (something that is lacking right now), I figured I've give video gaming one last big hurrah. This is not to say that I will not play video games again, but that I realize that my current mode of becoming fanatical about a game or two and playing it in every spare moment is a non-possibility. I also think there are wiser things to spend money on when one is married than a video game one will probably not have enough time to devote to it to be actually good (which unfortunately is my modus operandi for any endeavor. . . ). So far, I am very happy with MW3. It's been a very fun experience getting into a game at the very start.

Also, thanks to all of you who have been praying for me. I am doing much better since my last major post, and your thoughts and prayers meant (and mean) a lot. 

Until next time, be careful you don't get slurry...

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