
Things I think I think I think....

It's been a while since I've posted here..... random cliche, random cliche, restatement of popular cliche, etc.

Whenever some website offers in that bright, cheery font, "/Or/ you can log in with facebook," an internal struggle begins in my head. On the one hand, I think "that would be so much easier, and I wouldn't have to remember one more #&)@ing password...." On the other hand, the last thing I want to do is give facebook any MORE access to my life. For one thing, I'm sure they already know more about me than 99.9% most anyone else does, and not because I post every filthy iota of my dazzlingingly mundane life, but because they have every monetary incentive to learn, collect, and sell as much information about me as they can (see: Google., . . . I can't really think of another similarly world-endingly knowledgeable group of people. Oh. And the CIA.) For another thing, I just hate things that are connected simply so that they can be connected, or so that I can more easily post and share pictures of cute animals saying cutsy "interwebs-speak." That's the facebook equivalent of a chain email, which is the email equivalent of chain mail, which is the mail equivalent of puking on someone's face while they're sleeping and then laughing and saying "lolz. Sorry dude." I'm terribly afraid that I will somehow be sucked into this braindead state. I mean, some people must have been unwittingly swallowed by it.... they can't have started out that way, could they?
Anyway, the result? I use that stupid login button roughly 47.5% of the time.

In other news, my desktop's graphics card is still being an asshat. At least, I hope it's my graphics card, because otherwise my memory up and decided it wasn't compatible with my cpu.... after two years. Actually, I guess that's not all that uncommon in this day and age of no-fault divorce.... In any case. Yup. Still working on that.

I'm kind of really getting into Youtube channels, because hey, that's apparently the "thing to do" now for cool kids like myself. Also, I totally  have time to devote to another sentence that starts with "I'm kind of really getting into..."In any case, the great thing about Youtube channels is that there is something for everyone regardless of their interests. There's probably even a Youtube channel that exclusively hates on youtube channels. Wouldn't surprise me.

There are times that I think that perhaps I should be less cynical, and then I meet people. The irony here is, of course, that I'm quite a bit extroverted, so I have this horrible dichotomy going on constantly. Most people I know in particular, in fact nearly everyone I know in particular is someone about whom I can say, "this person is a rational human being," and "I would trust their opinion on such-and-such." But nearly anyone else, acquaintances, people I meet in the public in general, and the general trend of rational thought, so called, of people by-and-large, is astonishingly illogical. So, either I know an inordinate number of rational people that defies the odds my general perceptions have set, or there is something else fishy going on here. Hopefully not more on this thought later....but if I'm being honest, I will in all probability come back to it...


Caitlin M. Peterson of the (ef)Face said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm really happy I found yours; I'm loving what you have to say! Your snarky prose is a fantastic reminder that I still know how to read--most of the blogs I follow are much heavier in photographic content. So I'm going to be following your blog now, too. Hope you don't mind.
May I add you to my circles on Google+, as well? If that's connecting just for connecting's sake, then...well, bear with me. (...lolz)


Unknown said...

Thank You For The High Truth Sir. It Is Amazing What The Mind Can Come Up With And What is Possible With the Application of Technology and Spiritual Truths and Powers Being Wielded in The High Places. Its A Wonder Ever Stone Has Not Been Stamped With the Use of a Digital Chemical Spirit Producing a Signature Mark in Our "EYE", What With Iphones and All??? Think About it Beloved!

Unknown said...

Thank You For The High Truth Mam. It Is Amazing What The Mind Can Come Up With And What is Possible With the Application of Technology and Spiritual Truths and Powers Being Wielded in The High Places. Its A Wonder Ever Stone Has Not Been Stamped With the Use of a Digital Chemical Spirit Producing a Signature Mark in Our "EYE", What With Iphones and All??? Think About it

Noah Pearly said...

Having read some of your blogs you sound like my kinda people. Keep up the thinking.