

Here are some links that may interest only me, but certainly do interest me:

If you haven't watched any ted talks yet, you're missing out. It's a great place to find general knowledge. Lots of really fascinating subject matter here as well.

The Survivors Club
A website with many interesting survival stories and tips on what it takes to survive disastrous circumstances. The book by Ben Sherwood is well worth the read as well. I learned a lot from it.

The Irish Times
Where I go for most of my international and world news. In a day in age when major american news organizations only staff a handful of overseas mini-bureaus I find that I have to turn to foreign news outlets to get even mildly decent foreign coverage.

One of the best places to go for any electronics or technology in general. Everything here from videography lighting supplies, to computer hardware, to dvds.

Most of you already probably know about this place, but for those of you who don't, check it out. If you like Pandora, you will like Grooveshark much more. No commercials, and you get to search for and choose actual individual songs, or stream a "similar" station, pandora style. And all of this without all the fuss about limits, skips, or commercials. 

Giant in the Playground
If you like RPGs, and anything remotely like it and have not yet read Giantitp's "Order of the Stick" yet, do so now! It's hilarious and makes fun of just about every RPG faux-pas.

That's all for now... hopefully you find some of these at least interesting, or even entertaining.


Varda said...

Thanks! That TED thing is really cool. I watched this video on musical improv and how it effects the brain.

Also, I'm really excited about Grooveshark. I've used Pandora, but couldn't find exactly what I wanted there a lot. =D

Fenton McKnight said...

Wasn't that one interesting? I watched that yesterday myself. Sometimes you need to sort of weigh what they say with a grain of salt, but generally there is some really cool stuff on there.

Yeah, it comes in really handy. I had the same problems with Pandora.