
Monday Musings

In case you were wondering, it's all about the axes.

It has finally arrived. I am officially completely, totally, undeniably suffering from senioritis. It started last year, but it's bad enough to the point that I walk into my room after classes, with a list of homeworks that I could do, and I just have no desire to go near it. I've started other projects (like learning French, and coding), and have even begun to finish old projects (my language is now 100% workable and only needs more vocab, I have it completely within nicely workable docx file forms, and am beginning to work on a lesson plan to teach it easily, comprehensively, and succinctly...but more on that later), and anything that is not schoolwork seems undeniably appetizing. Luckily, tomorrow is my last final for the semester, so I'll have a month and a half to get back in the mood for one final semester of which to force learning into my noggin'.

I also have no clue where I'm going next year. I thought I had the field of possibilities narrowed slightly...but lo and behold, no matter what there is a problem with something in some way that affects negatively my desire to go there. Case in point: Grad schools that are 19+ hours away from home are super annoying logistically, and even though those sorts of problems can be overcome, it just makes everything stressful and annoying, and being that far away from every single person I know puts a world of annoyance throughout my being. On the other end of things, the places that would seem to make sense in a nearby range are either so liberal, so difficult to get into, or they're called Trinity Divinity School (which, let's face it, is not even really a possibility). So, blergh I say to thee! Blergh!

I'm going home tomorrow, which is awesome...but on cue it's supposed to be like -30 wind-chill, which is going to be awesome.....especially around Chicago and the treeless central Indiana *sarcasm*. Note my parallelism use of the word awesome to mean two different things.....wow...okay, I need to take a break from Hebrew Poetry too apparently. I apologize. I am excited, however, for Christmas. I'm ready to have a bit of a break and spend some time with family and friends, and believe it or not, I'm feeling rather festive this year for the second year in a row (which is I think some kind of record for me)....so that's exciting.

I don't mean this to sound depressing, I'm really not that annoyed at the moment with anything and am in fact in good spirits. Anyway, for those of you who might find it interesting, studying Greek this semester has lead me to feel the desperate need to find a language that just downright makes sense..... so, naturally that meant I would have to create my own. As a result I went back and looked at what I had already done with Mobokhtan, and, lo and behold I was almost finished with it but didn't know it! And, it was logical and easy to learn! And, I was in the mood to do more work on it. So I did... I now have over 200 verbs, 200 nouns, and I think nearly an equal number of adverbs and adjectives.... I finished off the personal pronouns, the definite article, and the prepositions, and am pretty much translation ready. So, for the heck of it, started to translate the beginning of my world's creation saga, which in English goes something like this:

In the Beginning was Elaion. 
Elaion was one. 
Elaion was three, the inseparable and indivisible. 
Elaion was seven, the complete. 
Elaion was the Creator. 
And Elaion hovered over the Mists. 

Okay so... I borrowed a lot of ideas.... but I think it's still a nice picture of things. Anyway, in Mobokhtan, it would sound something like this:

Namenut for et kala Elaionkar.
Namenut Elaion ronkar.
Namenut Elaion sonkar, . . .
Namenut Elaion nielkar, et sakar.
Namenut Elaion et iloikar.
Ar Elaion . . .

I'm obviously needing a few more words (inseperable, indivisible, hovered, and mists), but I think it's a good start. I also think it has a nice flow and cadence. Also, I  decided (on a whim)
to make Mobokhtan VSO (verb-subject-object) as opposed to SVO (subject-verb-object) as we're used to in English.... I think it's kind of fun, and to be honest, I think it makes more sense anyway. So... I know you probably don't care, but I've love to hear what you think if you have an opinion. 

Alright, I should probably start packing and get ready for my 8am final... Thanks for reading, and remember not to trip your opponent needlessly.

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